Parents often ask similar questions regarding mental health and their children and teens. We have found that providing concrete information and research helps to ease the mind. Here are some links to articles we have found helpful, and often give to parents as resources.
Why should one select private pay when one can go through insurance and have the cost mostly paid for? This is an important conversation to have, and it comes up often. Here is an article that goes into depth about why sometimes private pay can be a more suitable choice than insurance when it comes to mental health.
This is an in-depth look at how trauma impacts children. It discusses the effects of trauma, short and long term, recovery from trauma and what you, as the adult can do to help.
Mindfulness has been a hot topic recently; you can find a plethora of books, articles, and research studies on why mindfulness is becoming such a hit in the West. Studies have repeatedly shown that mindfulness helps with your entire health including physical and mental well-being. This is why we advocate for all of our clients to become familiar with some basic mindfulness techniques. Here is an article based off of a Harvard Health Publication.